Team Leader - Mental Health & Relationships, BSU Post-Doctoral Research Fellow - School of Clinical Medicine, UNSW Medicine & Health, Randwick Clinical Campus, UNSW Sydney
Selected Publications
Evans, H. E., Sansom-Daly, U.M., Bryant, R.A. (in press). Attachment as a mechanism influencing end-of-life communication: An analogue investigation. PLOS ONE.
Evans, H. E., Jessop, S., Bedoya, S. Z., Lyon, M. E., Wiener, L., & Sansom-Daly, U. M. (2023). Examining the Cultural Appropriateness of Advance Care Planning Tools for Adolescents and Young Adults With Cancer: An Example of Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Voicing My CHOiCES Tool. Current Problems in Cancer, 47(5), 101010–101010.